WW1 Chemical Demilitarisation Plant
We were commissioned by Dynasafe International to create a film that showcased their new WW1 Chemical Demilitarisation Plant in Poelkapelle, Belgium.CLIENT

We were commissioned by Dynasafe International to create a film that showcased their new WW1 Chemical Demilitarisation Plant -in Poelkapelle, Belgium. Every year throughout the fields of Flanders 250 tonnes of WW1 munitions are unearthed, this is known as the iron harvest. During WW1 1.45 billion shells were fired and 66 million of these were chemical gas shells! The Dyansafe plant specialises in safely disposing of the shells to ensure the people of Flanders fields remain safe. We shot in the facility and in and around the memorials which was a timely reminder of the huge sacrifice made by so many. In addition to this film we also created a short film commemorating the fallen.