A short film about why Maidstone Hospital Trust adopted Teletracking's latest electronic ced and capacity management platform
Client testimonial video is what we do, travelling all over the UK and Europe we create eye catching video to deliver exactly the message required. So it was a pleasant surprise to be asked to shoot a client testimonial video for the UK arm of based TeleTracking Technologies Inc.of Pittsburgh, just around the corner from our base in Maidstone.
TeleTracking has developed software that manages the availability of beds throughout hospitals and Maidstone & Tunbridge Wells Hospital Trust was one of the first to introduce this vital system which has significantly made life easier for NHS staff and raised levels of patient care.
Planning is key and scheduling time with staff in a very busy environment was crucial to ensuring that we captured all the material required. We worked closely with the client on both schedule and script as well as liaising with the hospital to ensure we did not hinder their day-to-day workload.
We try to keep our kit to a minimum in such an environment, although high quality both lighting and sound are crucial. We work hard with each interview set-up to provide variety for the viewer.
The essence of a good client testimonial video is putting the interviewee at ease. Very many subjects will not have had experience of being filmed and are usually a little apprehensive so a light touch with a clear idea of the message required is essential. To have hard working NHS staff to explain on camera how the Teletracking system has freed up time to spend with patients, or how patient waiting times have been reduced will make a real point. Getting those staff at the sharp end, the ones that actually use the system, to deliver your sales pitch is an absolute game changer.
Sales and marketing video comes in various formats, but client testimonial video is by far the most effective way of delivering the message. Potential clients will more easily identify with someone in a similar position to themselves rather than a standard corporate delivery.
Give us a call, we know we can create a video to deliver results.