Drupa 2024 – Dusseldorf

Video and photography coverage at the world's largest printing exhibition

Drupa 2024 – Dusseldorf

Our long standing clients Fujifilm Europe are regular exhibitors and Trade show along with video coverage is a crucial element of their game plan.  18 months of planning and considerable expense goes into these events so it’s absolutely essential that everything runs as planned. DRUPA 2024 at the vast Dusseldorf Messe is about as big as it gets in the print world.

Having had several years of experience,  we know that time, space and budget are always tight so putting together a crew to handle all of the brief including photography is a real challenge.  Real time editing for daily social media posts and live trade show video coverage as well as photography are fundamental to Fujifilm plans so getting right first time and every time is not negotiable.

Choreographing editors, camera operators and photographers to cover all of the planned events is a tall task but one we are more than able to handle. 

All across the stand,  content created by Copper Tree Media is used by Fujifilm staff to engage with prospective buyers of the impressive range of printers,  inks and ancillary equipment.  Case studies, animation and direct marketing video have all been brought together over a long period to showcase everything that Fujfilm has to offer the print industry worldwide.

Trade show video coverage is complex an demanding but is a crucial element to maximising footfall and sales leads from visitors. Grabbing their interest and retaining that interest is a key to giving your sales teams the opportunity to develop potential revenue.

If you are looking for exhbition video and photography coverage we’d love to be part of your show.